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3 Tips to Get your Students to Enjoy Writing


Writing was one of my favorite subjects to teach my students. However, I know that it was not a favorite subject of all my students. Throughout the year together I am happy to say that my students improved in the writing process and their confidence as writers. Today I will be sharing 3 tips to get your students to enjoy writing.

1. Utilize Writing Prompts

Tip #1 Utilize writing prompts shows an image of a prompt with a notebook laid next to it.  On top are a pencil and 3 Halloween erasers

Provide students with interesting writing prompts that get them thinking creatively. This can help spark ideas and help students to enjoy the writing process. When I taught I would have students do writing all the time. You can read all about it in this blog post (5 Tips for Teaching Writing). I had students write as morning work, I had a writing center, I would have students free write upon returning from lunch, and so on. I loved using finish-the-story writing prompts to get the creativity flowing in my students. These prompts start out with a short beginning and the students need to complete the stories. I was always blown away by the creativity that they would come up with when writing these stories! I have monthly themed finish-the-story prompts available on TPT if you’re interested.

2. Create a Supportive Environment

Make sure the classroom environment is supportive and encouraging. Positive reinforcement can help students feel more confident in their writing abilities and make them more likely to enjoy the process. It will help students feel more open to correcting the work of their peers and help their peers feel more open to having their work peer-reviewed. Fishbowl editing is a great way to nurture a supportive environment. To fishbowl edit, a student will sit in the middle of the room and read their story two times. During the first reading, their peers just listen. The second reading through the peers can write down observations and recommendations for the author. Afterward, students can share their opinions respectfully with the author.

Writing tip 2- create a supportive environment shows a teacher sitting around a table conversing with her students

3. Make it Fun

Writing tip 3 make it fun shows a teacher and students wearing leis and throwing balloons into the air

Incorporate fun activities into the writing process. This could be anything from a writing scavenger hunt to writing in a group setting. Making the writing process engaging can make it more enjoyable for the students. Pick fun writing prompts when you are able to. Write about things you know your students will enjoy. These are the keys to having the students connect with the writing. Some of my favorite writing pieces I did with my students were:

Writing can be an enjoyable process for your students if you follow the 3 tips to get your students to enjoy writing. Try to break up more challenging writing tasks with fun prompts in between if you’re able to.


My name is Jen and I’m the face behind Endeavors in Education.

I have a passion for ELA and science. I am even STEM certified. Now I spend my time hanging with my kids, blogging (endeavorsined.com), and creating for my TpT store Endeavors in Education.

I’m so happy you’ve joined me on this journey!

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