Station 1: Circuits

Station 2: Magnet Boats

Station 3: Magnetic/Nonmagnetic Sort
Next, they sorted out materials into magnetic and nonmagnetic categories. They had a great time trying out some additional materials as well.

The last two stations were on static electricity.
Station 4: Static Electricity Balloons
The students at this station took a piece of felt and rubbed it along the balloons. Then they put the balloons near each other and observed what happened.

Station 5: Static Electricity Test
I didn’t take pictures of the last station…silly me! The students took balloons and tested out static electricity on their hair, paper, and the wall. They really had a blast with all of it.
Today we did an electricity and magnetism scoot. They were so cutthroat! They wanted to be the first ones done with all the problems correct.

These products are available in my store if you want to try them out. If you do let me know if your students had as much fun learning about electricity and magnetism as mine did!