Have you used blogging as a tool in the classroom? There are so many ways that it can be used within the classroom depending on the grade level and access to technology that you and your students have. For older students you could have them publish their writing on a blog. For younger students you could use it as a tool to communicate with parents and offer extra practice of critical skills. Keep reading to see some helpful ways on how to use blogging in the classroom!
What is a blog?
A blog is a website that is used for a particular purpose. When I taught fourth grade one way I used blogging in the classroom was to manage large projects. My students would have a set of due dates and guidelines that they would need to publish information by. The blog worked out so well! My students loved using it. The key to a successful blog is keeping it simple, easy to navigate, current, and up to date.
How can we use blogs in the classroom?
Blogs can be used for many things in the classroom.
- home/school communication
- publishing classwork
- homework
- recaps of the day/notes
- project management
- research
- digital conversation
Setting the Ground Rules
Just as classroom rules are important to keep the classroom running smoothly, blogging rules are equally as important. What ground rules will you set to keep the online platform running smoothly and your students safe? Here are some potential rules:
- participate
- think before you push to post
- use proper writing conventions
- be respectful of peers
- do not share personal information
When I look back at my first blogging experience in the classroom I should have laid better ground rules for what to post about. You can see what I am talking about here. If I were going to go back and do it again I would have set the blog up differently. That is the beauty of blogging in the classroom. You can experiment and perfect what works each year!
Things to Consider
When creating your classroom blog have a clear picture of the kind of blog you wish to create. Will this be a participation blog for your students or more informational for students and families? Consider internet access and access to a computer or other devices when using the blog outside of school hours.
Blog Platforms
So you’re ready to create your own blog? Now you need to decide on a platform. There are many great blogging platforms out there you will need to choose which one works best for you and your students. Here is a list of some platforms. This list is certainly not comprehensive, but is a good start.
- Formerly Kid Blog this platform is now called Fanschool. This is the platform I used for my classroom blog. I liked that it was geared towards children. It was easy for myself and my students to navigate.
- Edublogs is a blogging platform geared specifically for education.
- Weebly for education
- WordPress and Blogger are two popular blogging platforms but neither are specifically geared towards teaching or education.
Make Your Own
Want to create your own classroom blog? Download this free blogging checklist to help you create the best blog for you and your students!
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