I spend my time before a site wide Teachers pay Teachers sale loading up my wishlist so I can purchase some great things. I figured I would go over the top 5 most wishlisted products in my store so you can check them out yourself!
Top 5 Most Wishlisted:
5. Root Words Worksheets and Activities
There are 49 pages for 32 different roots. The study of root words is very helpful for students because when they are able to identify word parts they can figure out the meanings of unfamiliar words.
See more on this in this blog post!
4. STEM Activity Create a Rollercoaster
This is a fun hands on STEM activity comprised of 9 pages which will guide students through the process of creating a rollercoaster for a marble. It is a great collaborative activity which allows students to work in flexible groups. Includes:
- teacher instructions
- pictures of sample student work
- student pages: assignment overview, group roles, and rollercoaster blueprint
- driving question
- important vocabulary
- engineer design process anchor chart
- I can statement
For this and other great end of the year activities, check out this blog post!
3. Creative Writing Activity Using the Mysteries of Harris Burdick
If you haven’t read this book by Chris Van Allsburg run out and get it now! This is such a fascinating book for adults and children alike. It is about an author, Harris Burdick, who drops off illustrations that are accompanied by a title and one line of a story who then goes missing. I have my students pick an illustration and finish writing the story. Their finished stories are so fantastic and full of creativity! This download also includes the digital version for Google slides.
- Prewriting forms (including the elements of mysteries)
- storyboarding
- self and peer editing forms
- teacher conference sheet
- fishbowl editing form
- grading rubric

Check out the blog post I wrote on this writing assignment.
2. Electricity and Magnetism Worksheets and Activities
When I taught fourth grade we were departmentalized. I was in charge of science, which I absolutely love to teach! I love that science lends itself to being very hands on and can be magical for our students. There are 28 pages in this unit on electricity and magnetism and these include hands on activities.What is included?
- What is magnetism? reading
- Magnetism vocabulary: attract, repel, magnetic field, like poles, unlike poles
- Attract or repel worksheets and answer key
- Is it magnetic? activity sheet
- What is electricity? reading
- Charges worksheet and answer key
- Electricity vocabulary: atom, electron, nucleus, simple circuit, parallel circuit, static electricity, and current electricity
- Is it a conductor or insulator? activity sheet
- Draw the wires to make a circuit sheet and answer key
- 5 lab stations with response sheet
- Exit slips and directions
If you’re interested in teaching electricity and magnetism, you may find these blog posts helpful: Teaching Electricity and Magnetism and Resources for Teaching Electricity and Magnetism
1. Writing Fractured Fairy Tales
I always did this unit at the end of the year with my students and it was always a favorite. There are 21 pages in the download to help guide your students through the writing process.What’s Included?
- a Common Core list (4th grade standards)
- resource list (books, movies, and activities)
- 3 anchor charts (What is a fairy tale? What is a fractured fairy tale? Point of view)
- a find it activity- search for fairy tale elements
- compare and contrast- traditional story vs fractured fairy tale
- character map
- conflict map
- brainstorming sheet
- list of events
- editing work
- editing checklist
- writing paper
- rubric
To see how I used this resource in my classroom check out this blog post.
Those are the top 5 most wishlisted products in my store, what’s on your wishlist?